Saturday, 4 June 2011

The Death

This topic is given the esoteric title 'The Death', because anyone who begins to disintegrate his defects starts to leave the circle in which the whole of humanity sits. So when he is asked to commit a misdeed, others say: 'He is useless, he might as well be dead,'because he does not follow the rest of humanity.

Every Human being carries a Divine Spark within, called the Soul, Buddhata or essence. Well, it has various names, but in reality it is a Divine Spark that motivates us and gives us strength to begin spiritual work, such as that I am teaching you here. This Essence or Soul is trapped in all our wickedness, defects or psychological selves, which are called esoterically 'Ego'. They do not allow the Essence to express itself freely, because it is they who take over the voice and command of a person.

But through the work of the disintegration of the defects the Essence grows, become stronger, and manifests itself with more clarity and with more strength. It is gradually transformed into Soul.

What I am teaching here is to put into practice, into action. Whether you are working or whatever you are doing, you need to pay attention to the mind, the heart and the sexual centre. these are the three centres where every defect manifesting, through any one of these three centres, the petition to the Divine Mother must follow immediately, so that she can disintegrate it.

The Disintegration of the defects and the astral projection are the ONLY FORMULAS we have to be rescued. 

Life On Mars

Life on Mars is exactly the same as on Venus. There is freedom in everything. The Martians can move to any place on the planet, without needing papers or passports or anything like that and without needing anyone's permission. Wherever they go, there is an opportunity to eat, sleep and have a change of clothes. Everywhere on Mars, wherever they may be, they are no borders and instead, complete freedom. It is exactly the same way on the other planets in our solar system.

Martians have stronger bodies than Venusians, visibly tougher, for they belong to the Ray of Strength.

On Mars everybody wears a soldier's uniform shield, helmet and suit of armour. All these war clothes are made of a material similar to bronze. They stand out because they are warriors as we would call here. There are no wars amongst them or with the other planets, Their war is against evil, to defeat evil, not against one other.

I can tell you that on those planets nobody works using brute force as we do in our world. Nobody sweats. They do not exhaust themselves because there the machines do the work. They are all run by solar energy. Their work is to guide or operate the machines, relieving each other in shifts. Everything functions through their wisdom.

Interplanetary Spaceships

Let us talk about interplanetary spaceships. Scientists ignore them or call them into question, thus leading Humanity to Doubt the existence of such ships.

All interplanetary spaceships move with solar energy. They are made from a material which does not exist here and which is resistant to billets and to everything. They are made in one piece and have no soldered joints or rivets. They are controlled by switches.

The interplanetary spaceships of the extraterrestrials are ready and prepared to take off and to rescue all those people who work according to the formula that is given. they know, so it is not necessary to call them because they know us inside out.

When the time comes the rescue will take place in these ships. There are very few who will succeed, and we can count them on our fingers. This is because nobody wants to work and instead they intellectualise everything.


I have seen films and magazines by North Americans, trying to block out the light of the sun with one finger, but they are mistaken. They will not blur my vision and still less will they make me believe in their stupid theories and base imaginings, as they are doing with Humanity.

Just as they are doing Hercolubus, which is rapidly approaching Earth, by playing it down. so they have done with extraterrestrials by distorting them as gorillas or animals. This is a great lie, one hundred percent in our solar system and galaxy are superior humans and wise beings.

I have had contact with extraterrestrials many times. I have been to Venus and Mars by consciously travelling in my Astral Body and can bear witness to these Marvellous inhabitants. I cannot find words to describe their wisdom, their culture and the angelic life that they live.

Red Planet

Humanity is spellbound by the predictions of those we falsely call scientists, who do nothing but fill Humanity with lies and distort the truth. We are going to talk about Hercolubus or red planet, which is approaching Earth.

According to some accounts, scientists have even calculated its weight, and they say it is so many tonnes and has a certain diameter, as if it were a child's toy, but this is not the case. Hercolubus or red planet is five or six times larger than jupiter. It is a gigantic mass, which cannot be stopped or deflected.

The Earth's inhabitants regard it as a toy, but in fact it is the beginning of the end for the planet Earth. It is already here. The other worlds of our solar system know this and are making every effort to help us avoid this catastrophe. However, nobody will be able to stop it. This is the punishment we deserve to put an end to so much evil.

The false, so called powers that exist today will be devastated economically and morally. money will disappear within a very short time. Hunger and poverty will put an end to them. They will not be able to endure a single jolt, and they will remain paralysed by fear and terror. then  they will truley realise that divine justice exists to punish evil.

scientists and the whole world are full of panic even before the destruction has started. Yet, no-one on earth has the fear of god within. They believe that they are lords and masters of life and that are powerful. However now they are going to see that there is indeed a divine justice that judges us according to our deeds.